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Technická 5
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UCT Prague - FFBTDepartment of Biochemistry and Microbiology [preloader] => Loading... [zobraz_mobilni_verzi] => [nepodporovany_prohlizec] => [social_in_odkaz] => [den_kratky_1] => [archiv_novinek] => [novinky_servis_archiv_rok] => [novinky_kategorie_1] => [novinky_kategorie_2] => [novinky_kategorie_3] => [novinky_kategorie_4] => [novinky_kategorie_5] => [novinky_archiv_url] => [novinky_servis_nadpis] => [novinky_dalsi] => [den_kratky_2] => [social_li_odkaz] => [den_kratky_3] => [more_info] => ) [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [29706] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [29711] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 29711 [canonical_url] => //biomikro.vscht.cz [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [29713] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 29713 [canonical_url] => //biomikro.vscht.cz [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [29712] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 29712 [canonical_url] => //biomikro.vscht.cz [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 29706 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [29707] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [29726] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => About Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology [seo_title] => About Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology is dedicated to higher learning and research in the fields of biology, biochemistry, microbiology and molecular biology. We organise courses in core biochemical disciplines for the Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology in Bachelor and Master programme. Other specialized courses are offered for Master and postgraduate students. Student in all stages of higher learning are actively participating in our research projects.

UCT (originál)

[urlnadstranka] => [obrazek] => [iduzel] => 29726 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /about [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [67212] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => Pseudocronobacter [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Main spectrum projections of "pseudo-Cronobacter" strains from the article B. Svobodová, J. Vlach, P. Junková, L. Karamonová, M. Blažková & L. Fukal: Novel Method for Reliable Identification of Siccibacter and Franconibacter Strains: from “Pseudo-Cronobacter” to New Enterobacteriaceae Genera. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 83(13) e00234-17. DOI: 10.1128/AEM.00234-17.


Also available at Zenodo

[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 67212 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /pseudocronobacter-en [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [50177] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Research [seo_title] => Research [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Department of biochemistry and microbiology focus on basic research in areas of retroviral molecular biology, proteomics, plant physiology and molecular genetics, enzymology, environmental microbiology, food microbiology and bioanalytical methods. These activities create a platform for applied research aimed at developing modern therapeutic approaches, bioremediation of inorganic and organic pollutants, monitoring food safety and quality (the department also operates accredited Testing Laboratory of the Institute of Biochemistry and Microbiology) or plant-pathogen interaction. Research in our department is in many cases interdisciplinary and, in addition to close professional cooperation between the individual laboratories of the department, it would be unthinkable without cooperation with a number of national and foreign groups within the framework of joint research programs and projects. Currently, we are working on projects supported by the Czech Science Foundation, Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic and the Ministry of Education and Sports.

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Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology offers bachelor courses in core disciplines (biochemistry, microbiology, biology and others). We also participate on courses for the novel bachelor program focused on forensic sciences. Biochemistry courses are offered to students of all faculties of our university. Our department organizes master programmes General and Applied Biochemistry, Microbiology and Clinical Biochemistry.

Advanced Biochemistry, Applied Enzymology, Environmental Microbiology, Food microbiology and Genetic engineering are delivered in English for foreign students. 

The department is accredited for doctoral education of biochemists and microbiologists.

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Content of english website is limited. We are working on translation.

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stdClass Object
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    [seo_title] => Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry
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Home   Projects   Publications

Plants as sesile organisms are exposed to many adverse environmental effects, either abiotic such as high temperature, drought, osmotic stress, salinity or biotic caused by pathogenic microorganisms, herbivores etc. Plants can adapt to many of these external cues as they evolved complex mechanisms by which they are capable to respond to unfavorable conditions.


Our laboratory is interested in topics related to the response of plants to various stress factors, focusing primarily on the role of various proteins in stress responses. We are studying plant  stress response taking place both at the level of the whole plant and at the level of the cell.


As a model organism, we use Arabidopsis thaliana and oilseed rape (Brassica napus). We use modern biochemical, microscopic and molecular biological techniques to solve our projects.


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Home   Projects   Publications

Plant immunity

In nature, plants are constantly confronted with an inexhaustible number of microorganisms, some of which may be beneficial others may not (pathogens). During evolution, plants have developed a very sophisticated immune system through which pathogens respond to attack. In our laboratory, we deal with various aspects of the study of plant immunity, both at the molecular level and by monitoring the manifestations of the whole plant during pathogen attack. The phytohormone salicylic acid (SA) plays an important role in plant immunity, which is at the heart of our research related to immunity. In addition to involvement in plant immune responses, SA is involved in many physiological processes such as seed germination, cell growth, vent closure, senescence, or fruit yield. We are currently working on a project studying how the biosynthesis of SA is regulated by the enzyme phosphatidylinositol-4-kinase and we are also monitoring the effect of actin cytoskeleton dynamics on the SA signaling pathway.

Understanding the molecular mechanisms associated with SA is also important from a practical point of view and may help to grow crops under stress in the future.

In addition to the involvement of SA in plant immunity, we deal with the involvement of SPFH proteins, which include proteins from the flotillin families and HIR proteins. Flotillins are very likely to participate in clathrin-independent endocytosis and are part of lipid microdomains. These properties could predetermine an important role in plant signaling in pathogen infestation.

This reasearch was supported by Czech Science Fundation:

  • GA14-09685S - Flotillin: a novel player in plant stress signalling
  • GA17-05151S - Phospholipid metabolizing enzymes as new components of salicylic acid signalling pathway

Interakce rostlin s pathogeny

Plant responses to abiotic stress factors

Salt stress is currently a problem in many growing areas. Salt as an abiotic stress factor negatively affects the growth of plants and thus their productivity. Plants resist and respond to salt stress in many ways. One of the enzymes involved in defense mechanisms is phospholipase D (PLD).

In the study of the function of individual isoforms of phospholipase D in the response of plants to salt stress, we deal mainly with phospholipase Dα and phospholipase Dδ. As plant material we use wild type Arabidopsis thaliana and mutant lines A. thaliana with silenced genes encoding individual isoforms of PLD ( T-DNA insertion pldα mutant and pldδ of Arabidopsis thaliana). We monitor changes in the root system and evaluate phenotypic manifestations in wild-type and T-DNA insertion pld mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana.

In our work, we also focus on the description of intracellular molecular mechanisms involved in these changes.

Reakce rostlin na abiotické stresové faktory

LIVE imaging and its use in the study of defense reactions at the cell level

Any response of a plant to a stress stimulus always begins at the molecular level - by changes in the function and composition of proteins and enzymes. These molecules then gradually affect the higher systems - organelles of cells, tissues, organs and finally the changes (in the optimal case) are reflected at the level of the whole plant as an adaptation to stress. Live imaging allows you to monitor changes in protein complexes and cellular organelles in real time, in response to stress stimuli.

The studied proteins are membrane phospholipases, flotillins and other members of this family - HIR proteins. Our goal is to elucidate their interaction and their interaction with the cytoskeleton in the response of cells to environmental stresses. We study both biotic stressors and currently pay great attention to nanoparticles and their effect on the cell and cell organelles, as well as the reactions of plant organs.

We use fluorescence, confocal and superresolution microscopy to study these processes, and part of the research is also the preparation of genetically modified plants and cells labeled with fluorescent protein. In plants and cells prepared in this way, we can monitor the dynamics of proteins and organelles and their interactions after stress stimuli in vivo.

LIVE imaging

 ◳ fig5 (png) → (originál)

The maximum projection from 13 images shows the deposition of the defensive callose polysaccharide in the conductive pathways of the root of A. thaliana seedling treated with silver ions.

The second image represents one optical plane with the deposition of a callose in the endodermis of the root after treatment with silver nanoparticles. Both images show a combination of a fluorescent-blue callose signal and a cell structure visualized by differential interference contrast. Scale = 10 μm.

This reasearch was supported by Czech Science Fundation:

  • GA14-09685S - Flotillin: a novel player in plant stress signalling
  • GA17-10907S - Environmental impact of noble metal nanoparticles
[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 56452 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research/research-groups/plants/56452 [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [56454] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [56455] => stdClass Object ( [nadpis] => [popis] => [platne_od] => [platne_do] => [odkaz] => [text_odkazu] => [obrazek_pozadi] => 0001~~K87JTEktAgA.jpg [barva_textu] => [iduzel] => 56455 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => slider [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 56454 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => slider [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 0 ) ) [56453] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry [seo_title] => Laboratory of Plant Biochemistry [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

Home   Projects   Publications

Kalachová T, Janda M., Šašek V., Ortmannová J, Nováková P, Dobrev IP, Kravets V, Guivarc'h A, Moura D, Burketová L, Valentová O, Ruelland E: Identification of salicylic acid-independent responses in an Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase beta double mutant. Annals of Botany 2020, 125(5), 775-784.

Kroumanova K, Kocourkova D, Danek M, Lamparova L, Pospichalova R, Malinska K, Krckova Z, Burketova L, Valentova O, Martinec J, Janda M: Characterisation of Arabidopsis flotillins in response to stresses . Biologia Plantarum 2019, 63, 144-152.

Kalachová T, Leontovyčová H, Iakovenko O, Pospíchalová R, Maršík P, Klouček P, Janda M, Valentová O, Kocourková D, Martinec J, Burketová L, Ruelland E: Interplay between phosphoinositides and actin cytoskeleton in the regulation of immunity related responses in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings . Environmental and Experimental Botany 2019, 167, 103867.

Daněk M, Angelini J, Malínská K, Andrejch J, Amlerová Z, Kocourková D, Brouzdová J, Valentová O, Martinec J, Petrášek J: Cell wall contributes to the stability of plasma membrane nanodomain organization of Arabidopsis thaliana FLOTILLIN2 and HYPERSENSITIVE INDUCED REACTION1 proteins . Plant J 2019, 20(24), 6365.

Pluhařová K, Leontovyčová H, Stoudková V, Pospíchalová R, Maršík P, Klouček P, Starodubtseva A, Iakovenko O, Krčková Z, Valentová O, Burketová L, Janda M, Kalachova T: "Salicylic Acid Mutant Collection" as a Tool to Explore the Role of Salicylic Acid in Regulation of Plant Growth under a Changing Environment . Int J Mol Sci 2019, 101(3), 619-636.

Leontovyčová H, Kalachová T, Trdá L, Pospíchalová R, Lamparová L, Dobrev P. I, Malínská K, Burketová L, Valentová O, Janda M: Actin depolymerization is able to increase plant resistance against pathogens via activation of salicylic acid signalling pathway. Sci Rep 2019, 9(1),1-10.

Junková P, Daněk M, Kocourková D, Brouzdová J, Kroumanová K, Zelazny E, Janda M, Hynek R, Martinec J, Valentová O: Mapping of Plasma Membrane Proteins Interacting With Arabidopsis thaliana Flotillin 2. Front Plant Sci 2018, 9, 991.

Krčková Z., Kocourková D., Daněk M., Brouzdová J., Pejchar P., Janda M., Pokotylo I., Ott P., Valentová O., Martinec J.: The Arabidopsis thaliana non-specific phospholipase C2 is involved in the response to Pseudomonas syringae attack. Ann Bot 2018, 121 (2), 297-310.

Krutinová H, Trdá L, Kalachová T, Lamparová L, Pospíchalová R, Dobrev P, Malinská K, Burketová L, Valentová O, Janda M: Can Actin Depolymerization Actually Result In Increased Plant Resistance To Pathogens?. bioRxiv 2018, 278986.

Angelini J,Vosolsobě S, Skůpa P, Yeuan Yen Ho A. Bellinvia E, Valentová O,  Marc J: Phospholipase Dδ assists to cortical microtubule recovery after salt stress. Protoplasma 2018, 255(4), 1195-1204.

Burketová L, Tvrdá L, Ott PG, Valentová : Bio-based resistance inducers for sustainable plant protection against pathogens. Biotechnol Adv 2015, 33(6/2), 994-1004.

Šašek V, Janda M, Delage E, Puyaubert J, Guivarch A, Maseda EL, Dobrev PI, Caius J, Bóka K, Valentová O, Burketová L, Zachowski A, Ruelland E: Constitutive salicylic acid accumulation in pi4kIIIbeta1beta2 Arabidopsis plants stunts rosette but not root growth. New Phytol 2014, 203(3), 805-816.

Matoušková J, Janda M, Fišer R, Šašek V, Kocourková D, Burketová L, Dušková J, Martinec J, Valentová O: Changes in actin dynamics are involved in salicylic acid signaling pathway. Plant Sci 2014, 223, 36-44.

Kim PD, Sašek V, Burketová L, Copíková J, Synytsya A, Jindřichová B, Valentová O: Cell Wall Components of Leptosphaeria maculans Enhance Resistance of Brassica napus. J Agric Food Chem 2013, 61(22), 5207–5214.

Janda M, Planchais S, Djafi N, Martinec J, Burketova L, Valentova O, Zachowski A, Ruelland E: Phosphoglycerolipids are master players in plant hormone signal transduction. Plant Cell Rep 2013, 32(6), 839-851.

Krtková J, Havelková L, Křepelová A, Fišer R, Vosolsobě S, Novotná Z, Martinec J, Schwarzerová K: Loss of membrane fluidity and endocytosis inhibition are involved in rapid aluminum-induced root growth cessation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiol Biochem 2012, 60(), 88-97.

Šašek V, Nováková M, Dobrev PI, Valentová O, Burketová L: beta-Aminobutyric acid protects Brassica napus plants from infection by Leptosphaeria maculans. Resistance induction or a direct antifungal effect? Eur J Plant Pathol 2012, 133(1), 279-289.

Jindřichová B, Fodor J, Šindelářová M, Burketová L, Valentová O: Role of hydrogen peroxide and antioxidant enzymes in the interaction between a hemibiotrophic fungal pathogen, Leptosphaeria maculans, and oilseed rape. Environ Exp Bot 2011, 72(2), 149-156.

Kocourková D, Krčková Z, Pejchar P, Veselková Š, Valentová O, Wimalasekera R, Scherer GFE, Martinec J: The phosphatidylcholine-hydrolysing phospholipase C NPC4 plays a role in response of Arabidopsis roots to salt stress. J Exp Bot 2011, 62(11), 3753-3763.

Pleskot R., Potocký M., Pejchar P., Linek J., Bezvoda R., Martinec J., Valentová O., Novotná Z, Žárský V: Mutual regulation of plant phospholipase D and the acetin cytoskeleton. Plant J 2010, 62, 494-507.

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head of the group

prof. RNDr. Olga Valentová, CSc.

associate professors

doc. Ing. Lenka Burketová, CSc.

doc. Dr. Ing. Zuzana Novotná

assistant professors

PharmDr. Jindřiška Angelini, Ph.D.

Ing. Martin Janda, Ph.D.

PhD students

Ing. Šárka Mattauchová

Ing. Lucie Lamparová

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