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Group of Applied Proteomics

Home   Publications

Our lab group is focused on applications of the proteomics approaches using mass spectrometry as a detection endpoint. Using tools of the mass spectrometry we can study a broad spectrum of biological systems on the molecular level. Proteomics can be characterised as a field of the biochemistry that follows up complex studying of proteins in the specific time under defined conditions and is the one of the most dynamic and evolving science fields.

For the studying of proteins we use the mass spectrometric techniques: MALDI-TOF/TOF and LC-ESI-Q-TOF.

fig1a fig1b

Examples of Research Topics

  • Identification of proteins involved in crop stress reaction
  • Studying of membrane complexes associated with signal paths of plants
  • Proteomics aspects of mineralized heart valves
  • Protein analysis of artworks and historical mortars
  • Proteomic analysis of alveolar bones in connection with oral surgery
  • Proteomic analyses of bioliquids of patients with carcinomas and neurodenerative diseases
  • Identification of zooplankton
  • Distinguishing of animal species origin of parchments and hairs
  • Proteomics analysis of retroviruses
  • Identification of pathogen microorganisms
  • Development of techniques for protein quantification by mass spectrometry (methods iTRAQ, dimethyl labelling, TOP3 etc)

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  • Peptide mass fingerprinting → protein identification
  • Surface mapping → study of protein conformation
  • Biotyping → identification of microorganism
  • Protein quantification (iTRAQ, dimethyl labelling, SIM, TOP3, MeanInt)
  • Cross-linking and pull-down of membrane proteins
Updated: 3.12.2020 09:40, Author: Dalibor Trapl

head of the group:

prof. Dr. Ing. Radovan Hynek


prof. RNDr. Milan Kodíček, CSc.

associate professor:

doc. Ing. Mgr. Štěpánka Kučková, Ph.D.

assistant professors:

Ing. Jiří Šantrůček, Ph.D.

Ing. Petra Junková, Ph.D.

Ph.D. Students:

Ing. Tereza Nešporová

Ing. Tatiana Smirnova

Ing. Ondřej Novotný

Ing. Anna Zubová

Ing. Iva Pitelková

Ing. Lucie Maršálová

Ing. Lucie Coufalová
