The molecular clusters based on Mo6I8 core with variable outer ligands are capable to generate of highly reactive singlet oxygen upon illumination with light or irradiation with X-rays. Reactive oxygen species, such as singlet oxygen, react with biopolymers such as proteins, DNA, and lipids. Unreparable damage of intracellular components can cause various types of cell death.
The Mo6 compounds are prepared at the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences by Dr. Kamil Lang and Dr. Kaplan Kirakci.
We culture normal and cancer cells of human origin and illuminate them with special light sources or with X-rays. Our hypoxic chamber allows us to work under low physiologically relevant levels of oxygen. We can determine the cellular uptake and localization of cluster compounds or nanoparticles with a confocal microscope or with a structure illumination super-resolution microscope (SIM). The nanoparticles are also specifically targeted to cancer cells using molecular recognition.
The promising materials are further tested on in vivo mouse models in collaboration with Dr. Milan Reiniš from the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences.
The antibacterial properties of compounds, layers, and particles are determined using model strains of bacteria relevant in clinics. The bacteria are cultured in the form of biofilm, a naturally occurring multicellular structure with enhanced physical and chemical resistance.