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Nacházíte se: VŠCHT PrahaFPBTÚstav biochemie a mikrobiologie  → Studium → Doktorské studium - Double degree
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Doktorské studium - Double degree

Double degree:

Biochemistry and Bioorganic Chemistry (garant prof. RNDr. Olga Valentová, CSc.)

Kontaktní osoba:

·       ENSCR Rennes: Assoc. Prof. Petra Lipovová, email:

·       UI Tromso: Prof. Olga Valentová, email:

Příklady témat disertačních prací:

·       Rational design and screening of compounds/peptides blocking HIV assembly or uncoating

·       Screening of compounds from marine organisms as resources for inhibition of beta-amyloid production in neuronal cells

·       Bacterial expression system for production and modulation of antibacterial peptide arasin from marine organisms

·       The role of hydroxyprolin-rich proteins in plant protection

·       Chemical and enzymatic synthesis of S- and N-glycosides

Partnerské univerzity:

·       Rennes Graduate School of Chemistry 

·       University of Tromso - The Artic university of Norway 

      Informační brožura:

      PDF ke stažení

Double Degree

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Aktualizováno: 29.3.2022 12:09, Autor: Tomáš Engl

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